@porscheracer, +1, for understatement:
“Guess what, the original idea didn’t work out...”
And from my count reading the Jason’s head-fi chapter, the next 15-ish iterations of the “original idea” didn’t work out either.
04-12-2019 7:09pm
@George wrote:
“...as I said probably lower rails and higher bias..”
Well, you got that wrong..
Besides, you forgot about transconductance droop, for which no class A/AB design accommodates or eliminates. Yep, nothing new here at all.
“Guess what, the original idea didn’t work out...”
And from my count reading the Jason’s head-fi chapter, the next 15-ish iterations of the “original idea” didn’t work out either.
04-12-2019 7:09pm
@George wrote:
“...as I said probably lower rails and higher bias..”
Well, you got that wrong..
Besides, you forgot about transconductance droop, for which no class A/AB design accommodates or eliminates. Yep, nothing new here at all.