Near-field speaker placement

I have a small room (13.6 by 9 by 7 feet high) with carpeting on the floor and acoustic tiles on the ceiling. In a near-field setup, where should the speakers be placed in this room? I've read a number of different takes on placement, including these two that seem to contradict one another:
I have a very modest system (NHT Classic Twos, NAD amp and preamp, Cary disc player and a small Velodyne sub). NHT recommends that the Classic Twos be placed at a 1.5 ratio (60 inches between the speakers would mean 90 inches from the listener). How big of a problem is this if the typical near-field setup is an equilateral triangle? And in a room like this, how far should the speakers be placed apart?

I wasted years on trying to make a square room work, and if this doesn't pan out, I'm thinking I might just go the headphone route. Thanks for the time and advice if you can provide it.
Yes, bass traps in a small room. Also small rooms are best served by speakers that don't attempt the lowest octave.

I have an almost identical size room. My speakers are on the 9' wall. They are 31" out from the front wall(rear of the speaker),and 84" apart. The center of the drivers are 19" away from the side walls. My listening chair is about 75" inches away from the speaker plain. I am also running 3 HSU subs. (2 STF-1's,1 VTF-2 MK3.) I find soundstage extends beyond the side,and back walls. 
    Good luck,I hope this may help you a bit.
Ray, that is the beauty of it, the soundstage/imaging can extend beyond the small room boundaries.  Having speakers placed along shorter wall allows for more space behind speakers and listener. Providing greater depth of field for soundstage. Absorption panels at reflexion points along side walls helps with most speakers.
Amen to that mesch! I do have absorption panel on the side walls at the first reflexion points,also I’m using foam behind the speakers,and on the back wall. These cheap acoustical treatments go a long way.
Yes, I treated my small room very much the same. Made panels from material purchased from ATS acoustics. Was able to pick up supplies from them as I live in Illinois. Very inexpensive to make.