In the late 70's I had just turned drinking age in Canada.
Still vividly remember going to The Ports in North Toronto.
It was a night club with two sections - Rock and Disco - side by side.
We would stay in the Rock section till - say 11:00 pm .
Then we would mosey along over to the Disco section, because that's where the dancing girls were.
In those days the girls never asked the guys to dance 8^( - not like today
But there was a better chance in the disco section. lol.
Remember a GF trying to get me to buy and wear Jordache jeans instead of my Levis. Just for one night.
The Jeans were a strong symbol of the era.
The other strong memory is when a cousin came here from Europe, and I had to buy some records he would enjoy. Disco was big there he told me.
So I headed to Sam the Record Man in downtown Toronto. The Madonna album was recommended to me, along with a couple others.
This rocker was new to it all.
I liked the Bee Gees best.