Organic, musical and natural sounding speakers up to $12K
Getting a new place next year. Living room will be approx 12-14ft x 16-18ft x 10ft.
Getting a new system and am starting with speakers. Brands I have shortlisted (recommended from magazines and forums) are:
1) Audionote J or E 2) Spendor (model ?) 3) Harbeth (model ? - perhaps 30.2/40.1 or ?) 4) Devore (0/93 or 0/96?)
I auditioned Audionote and Harbeth briefly a few years ago. If I recall, Audionote was organic, musical and natural. Harbeth SHL5 plus was natural and musical...but don’t remember if they were more organic than the Audionotes.
HF extension/air is definitely not a priority for I find it often translates to tizz to my ears. I love a large soundstage - big full sound!
With the 4 brands, am I heading in the right direction? Any feedback from users would be greatly appreciated. I am open to other brands too.
Oops, I meant to say the MG3.7i’s big brother, the 20.7i. The 3.7i retails for around $6k, the 20.7i for about double that. They need an amp like the Sanders Magtech though, so you have to factor the cost of that in. Sanders makes a second version of the amp especially for ESL loudspeakers such as his own.
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