DCS Rossini dac owners

I know this won’t be a hot topic but I have a question about the Rossini for actual users.
I’m just not hearing the benefit of adding the Rossini clock which is generally praised as a significant upgrade. Would appreciate comments/experiences concerning this add on device. I wish I could hear what all the fuss is about. Thanks
no choice on connection. it’s all good. i’m very happy with my sound quality. 
Perhaps your dCS dealer will loan you a network bridge? This could be the ideal interface for your streamer. 
Since USB is reclocked anyway, the only benefit an external clock would be is more accuracy, and seeing as how even <$500 DACs have clocks that are way better than needed, anything more expensive that benefits from an external clock should be considered sub-par.
agreed. the rossini has a great master clock so switching back and forth established that fact. it’s a beautiful piece.