Blown Mid Driver

Listening to some music yesterday for the first time in 3 months. Didn't sound great. Heard a bit of crackling from the left speaker. Took the grill off to find the 'foam' ring around the mid driver had gone flacid / half of it caved in. Not sure how this could have happened. Tunes always played at a decent volvume, but nothing extreme to cause distortion, no physical abuse, etc. Any thoughts on how/ why this could've happened besides volume? Dynamics of some sort? Age? 

Laptop running J River app >
Silver Starlight USB >
Bel Canto U Link Asychronomous USB >
Bel Canto DAC 2.5 >
Nu Force Reference 9 v2 solid state monoblocks >
Paradigm Studio 60 v5 ( mid driver blown on one) /
Anthony Gallo TR-1 sub

Age. Foam surrounds are notorious for just falling apart at a certain point, regardless of how they're used. Some say ozone, but whatever, doesn't matter, point is not your fault they just fall apart. This is so well known and common you can get just about anything re-done with a rubber surround, as long as the driver wasn't played long enough/loud enough to have damaged the voice coil.
+1 millercarbon
That doesn't sound like the classic "blown" driver, when it gets over powered. It just old age.
Well I knew it was common and easily fixed but that was a long time ago. Now a quick search for speaker surround repair turned up YouTube DIY videos and PartsExpress DIY kits! Crikey! Interweb! Gotta love it!