Anyone Having Problem With Cardas Clear Beyond XL Power Cables Falling Out Of Equipment

I love my new Cardas Clear  Beyond XL power cables , however I am having a problem  with them either coming loose on wall  receptical or loosing contact on my Shunyata Hydra Triton 1. They are just too heavy. Any suggestions are appreciated.   

Switch to a lighter cable, as well as replace your wall receptacle.

Be aware, even if you get a stronger wall receptacle, you can end up stripping the box itself.

If those cables weren't so pricey I'd suggest having the plugs replaced. Cardas does make some low profile, much lighter weight connectors:

Of course, not every device benefits from a pricey cable. Have you listened to them with consumer grade versions?


 First, which you probably already tried but just in case, work the cable as best you can to make it fit where you want it to go without any leftover twisting or bending torque at either end. Also at the same time see if components can be situated a little different as sometimes this alone will solve the problem.

Next step which a guy with this much already invested probably has done already is upgrade the outlet and since you know this is an issue ask about it as some do have a lot tighter fit than others. Or pull the receptacle, some of them once they are out of the wall you can get a screwdriver in there and bend the contacts a little to make for a much tighter fit.

The iec at the conditioner end at least you can shim it to fit tighter. Trim some thin wood shims, or wrap the end with something like teflon tape, whatever will make for a nice snug fit.
I have these PCs and they fit snugly into the AC outlet. My AC outlets are Porter Ports.