Congratulations NYEV on your new Diablo 300, I am certain you will truly enjoy it. I know I love mine. My system consists of the amplifier, PS Audio DAC, Bridge II, and memory player, and Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Speakers on the digital side. I use an inexpensive phono preamp and vintage Dual 604 turntable on the newly set up analog side for now. I am just starting back into analog for the first time in over 30 years.
I agree with you that the sound is amazing and the ability of the amplifier to take control of my speakers is phenomenal. It is big improvement over my previous integrated amp which was an older and much less expensive Plinius 9200(which I still consider to be a excellent amplifier).
I have a slightly different opinion of the 300. In my system and listening with my ears I find the amplifier not to be colored, but rather it gets out of the way and allows the music to happen. I enjoy listening to it for hours on end without any fatigue.
It appears that my dealer experience was light years ahead of yours. I purchased mine from Scott Carpenter at Evolution Home Theater. Evolution HT is the new Gryphon Dealer in Atlanta. When I initially told him I was interested in the 300, I went into the dealership and he connected the amplifier to a pair of Sonus Faber Serafino Tradtion, so I could get an initial idea of what the amp might sound like with my speakers. As my interest continued, he arranged for an in home demo. This was no easy task, since it required 2 people to get the amplifier in the house and with a home theater and 2 channel system side by side with 12 separate components the wiring took some time. Scott personally delivered the demo amp and connected it to my system. After listening to the Diablo for a short period of time I asked Scott to order one for me. He initially told me it would take about a week to get it from the distributor in California. Now comes the amazing part. I still had his demo unit. It seems that California did not have any of the units in stock. It had to be ordered from Denmark. Although I never asked, Scott on his own allowed me to keep his only demo Diablo 300 unit until he was able to deliver and install my newly purchased unit. It took close to a month for this to happen. I asked him how he could leave his demo unit with me for so long and not have one to demonstrate in the store for potential customers. His response was simple. He said that I liked the unit too much to just take it away from me without leaving a replacement. He also stated he had several customers waiting to hear the Diablo 300 and making them wait may not be a bad thing. Superb service on Scott’s part.
By the way, mine only took a few days to burn in.
I hope your dealer told you that he(she) was selling you a discontinued phono board before you purchased it.
I agree with you that the sound is amazing and the ability of the amplifier to take control of my speakers is phenomenal. It is big improvement over my previous integrated amp which was an older and much less expensive Plinius 9200(which I still consider to be a excellent amplifier).
I have a slightly different opinion of the 300. In my system and listening with my ears I find the amplifier not to be colored, but rather it gets out of the way and allows the music to happen. I enjoy listening to it for hours on end without any fatigue.
It appears that my dealer experience was light years ahead of yours. I purchased mine from Scott Carpenter at Evolution Home Theater. Evolution HT is the new Gryphon Dealer in Atlanta. When I initially told him I was interested in the 300, I went into the dealership and he connected the amplifier to a pair of Sonus Faber Serafino Tradtion, so I could get an initial idea of what the amp might sound like with my speakers. As my interest continued, he arranged for an in home demo. This was no easy task, since it required 2 people to get the amplifier in the house and with a home theater and 2 channel system side by side with 12 separate components the wiring took some time. Scott personally delivered the demo amp and connected it to my system. After listening to the Diablo for a short period of time I asked Scott to order one for me. He initially told me it would take about a week to get it from the distributor in California. Now comes the amazing part. I still had his demo unit. It seems that California did not have any of the units in stock. It had to be ordered from Denmark. Although I never asked, Scott on his own allowed me to keep his only demo Diablo 300 unit until he was able to deliver and install my newly purchased unit. It took close to a month for this to happen. I asked him how he could leave his demo unit with me for so long and not have one to demonstrate in the store for potential customers. His response was simple. He said that I liked the unit too much to just take it away from me without leaving a replacement. He also stated he had several customers waiting to hear the Diablo 300 and making them wait may not be a bad thing. Superb service on Scott’s part.
By the way, mine only took a few days to burn in.
I hope your dealer told you that he(she) was selling you a discontinued phono board before you purchased it.