Experience with Linn Select DSM?

Does anyone have direct experience with the Linn Select DSM system w/ Katalyst?  Please see: https://www.linn.co.uk/sources/network-music-players/selekt#selekt-dsm-with-katalyst

I have decent electronics already (NAD M12 Pre/DAC and M22 Amp) being sourced by a Node 2 server going into the DAC via SPDIF.  I’ve been auditioning other servers to upgrade the Node 2 and in the search process, came across this unit from Linn.  It is elegant and functionally very nice.  The appeal is that I could sell my other gear and have one box that does what I need.  But, I’d only be interested in doing this if it was better overall than what I have.  Unfortunately, I have no local dealers.  I’ve heard it in a nice shop in AZ, but that means nothing as it’s not a comparison to what I have.  Of course, the salesman thought it would be a step up from what I have.  Not surprisingly, I’m skeptical of that claim.  But, it is a cool piece.

So, anybody here with direct experience and insights to share?
I think I know the shop you were in, been there a few times myself.  So I recently switched to a Linn streamer from a Node 2 connected to a Modwright Elyse DAC which sounded VERY good.  I too was skeptical but have been 100% please and amazed by the switch.  The Linn tech is impressive, they have been committed to streaming longer than anyone AND they are upgradeable so your investment is not gone with the next revision.

Thanks for the feedback.  One of the reasons I’m interested is because Linn’s commitment and longevity in streaming.  Which unit do you have?  I’m comfortable with the notion that the akurate DAC is probably better than what I have and that the streaming function is an upgrade over the node 2.  Part of the challenge for me is the rest of my system.  It doesn’t seem to make sense (in my mind) to break apart my M12/M22 combo.  And, all inputs into the M12 are converted to PCM (or something like that).  In other words, the Select DSM has a DAC, so I’d be going into the line inputs of my unit and I’m not sure that makes sense.  So, if I do this, it’ll probably be getting the one with the amplifier stage. 

A new server would cost between $2-$4k based on what I’m looking at. Or, I could sell my NAD M12/M22 and get ~$3k and turn around and buy the Select DSM w/ Akurate and amp for about $8k - a net cost of $5k.  Fewer boxes, cooler piece. Better overall?

Sure wish i could audition one at home.  There are no dealers for 300+ miles.  
I am considering this piece if I get a  floor stander and require room correction. The store I went to has 3 units that do similar room correction. 

Anthem STR
Lynddorf 3400
Linn Selekt DSM

I am supposed to have a shootout with these 3 soon but may cancel it because I may ditch room correction and buy a smaller speaker allowing me to stay analogue (not sure yet). 

I did listen to the Linn Selekt DSM already and it sounded rather great. I do not think I would get the amp option for the Linn just based on prejudiced. I listened to the Lynddorf the same day and I did not like the internal amp. An external amp sounded much better. The Linn amp is also not that powerful.

It is unfortunate that the Linn does not have any analog inputs (other that the TT one). They also do not plan to add any other analog inputs, unlike the other 2 units I mentioned. The Anthem seems to have the best configuration options for me.

For what it's worth the dealer who I was working with preferred the Linn unit over the other 2. They are all about the same price.

Linn's argument for room correction is that the microphone based approach is not accurate and the measurement based approach is superior.

I went big and got the Klimax DSM.  I don't know if you have read much about Linn but they believe in Source First approach, that the source is the building block of a sound system. 

So you are debating going for the Select DSM vs DSM + AMP OR go up a level with the Akurate system hub + amp?

Personally I prefer to keep DAC & streamer functions separated from pre-amp & amp, it give you more flexibility down the road to tweek.