Black Cat Cable's/Coppertone wires are amazing good!

I had recently borrowed from Mike Kay (Audio Archon), who is a retailer of Black Cat Cables, a full loom of the entry level Coppertone IC's and speaker wire.  The Coppertone IC's retail for $200 a pair and a ten foot run of the speaker wire costs $350.  Damn reasonable, indeed.  The materials and quality of build is as good as any cable I have had in my house for review, regardless of cost.  If you want all the details regarding the theory behind these wires you can go to the Black Cat Cable website and read the four superlative reviews on the Coppertone model.

The first aspect that strike me was the beauty of this cable at producing beautiful timbres and colors in the tonality of different instruments.  Next, was a vanishing noise floor that allowed the smallest micro-details to be clearly heard. The Coppertone loom was very balanced throughout all frequencies with an excellent airy top end and a taut/accurate bottom end. Sound-staging was excellent in height/width/depth and layering/placement of individual instruments was precise in this acoustic space.

Finally, the Coppertone cables took my whole system's ability to render a sense of relaxation/ease without out losing any speed, micro-dynamics, or punch was at a higher level then compared to my reference cables.  I have always had a very high level of liquidity in my system.  However, these wires are not just "silky" in their overall presentation, but allowed me to relax into the music and connect with it in an emotional manner that was quite delightful.

Please remember the Coppertone cables are not just good for the money, but are reference level performers that compete with cables that are dramatically more expensive. 


What a coincidence as I was just looking at their site yesterday.I'm going to add a second subwoofer and hook them up directly from the amp rather than from the preamp as they are now.I'm using Clearday now which I really like, but since Paul is out of the biz now the hunt ensues.
Teajay in your opinion would using the Cleardays on either the speakers (Tektons) or the subs(SVS) along with another brand be detrimental?I'm always up for saving a few $ but not if it's going to sound like hades:)
I have both Coppertone interconnects and Coppertone speaker cables. They are seriously good and I agree wholeheartedly with Teejay.  I have also had a variety of other cables in and out of my system through the years at all price points and I have over the past couple of months directly compared the Coppertones to Cardas Golden Reference (IC's and spkr cables) and A23 (IC's and spkr cables). I have sold the Cardas and I'm on the fence between the Coppertones and the A23. I presently have both tube(Leben) and solid state(Pass) amplifiers and likely will always keep both topologies around. If you don't require balanced connections(since he doesn't make a balanced Coppertone), these are seriously terrific cables and Chris was exceptional to deal with.
Doesn’t surprise me either. Chris knows his craft. 
I use his Tron Digital Cable. Might have to try his speaker cables.
Hi jtcf,

I strongly believe what speaker wire you use to drive your subs does not have to match the wire you use for your main speakers.  However, to drive your main speakers, if I got it right they are Tekton Speakers, the Black Cat Cables would give you a superlative improvement over the Clearday cables.