Help Me Choose Better 5-Channel Amp

Our home theater has evolved from a home theater only into a hybrid HT/2-channel system. Both the HT and the 2-channel perform very well and overall I am very pleased with the outcome. But I would like to improve what I perceive to be the weak link when it comes to 2-channel listening. Right now I am using an Anthem Statement A5, a good match for the Anthem AVM50 and great for HT sound. But when I listen to 2-channel, I believe the sound could be improved with a better amp. I would prefer to upgrade the amp rather than buy a separate 2-channel amp and switch back and forth. When listening to 2-channel in this system, the other components are the Well Tempered Amadeus TT with a Dynavector XX2 LOMC cartridge, Levinson 390S CDP, Audio Research PH7 phono stage, Audio Research Ref 3 preamp, and Verity Fidelio Encore speakers. ICs are Aud23 and the speaker cable is Chord's Epic Twin.

Any suggestions for a better 5-channel amp that will improve the 2-channel listening experience?
Some 2 channel amps like the current Musical Fidelity A-1 have a home theater bypass.
Blindjim - Fair question, and one that I should have addressed in my post. I have a preference for tube amps, or amps that have as much of a tube signature as possible without compromising microdynamics and bass slam/weight. Better imaging and transparency would be welcome. I hooked up my Accuphase P-3000 from another system and there it was - the sound I was looking for. But even if Accuphase makes a 5-channel amp, I don't want to spend that kind of money. But the Accuphase was definitely superb.

Vernneal - An audio friend also suggested I consider the McIntosh MC206, adding "if you can find someone willing to part with it." I infer from his comment that they are hard to come by, but I will certainly consider it.
I suggest a Linn 5125-- these can be had used now for ~$1100, and are an easy re-sell if you end up not liking it.

I purchased a 5125 new about 7 years ago, and since then many other electronics and speakers have come and gone, and the 5125 is the only piece of gear I have kept. I actually used it as my reference amp in a 2-channel system for a while.

One of its best characteristics is its dead silence-- at low levels the amp seems to reveal details that I do not hear with other amps, and at high levels, the silence during quiet points is very noticeable. Overall it is a very "sweet" sounding amp-- if that makes any sense.

Of course Linn amps use switching power supplies, and are very small and light in comparison to convention amps having huge toroids. Thus the 5125 is very easy to slip into and out of your system. One drawback is that the stupid BFA speaker connector require adapters to use with most speaker cables.
Dg1968 - Thanks for letting me know about the Linn 5125. Another one that I was not previously aware of and sounds like a strong candidate.
Pass Labs or BAT?

What about about a 3 channel and a 2 channel and spending more on the 2 channel.