Faint hum....

I've been struggling to understand this issue for a while...my integrated amp has 2 RCA inputs, 1 XLR input, and a few digital inputs (Toslink, Coax, etc). When I turn the system on, i'm usually on either RCA1 (CD player) or RCA2 (phono stage connected), there is a low hum in the speakers. If I increase the volume, it gets louder. If I mute the amp, the hum goes away. It's noticeable, but it doesn't bother me when the music plays. What I find it somewhat strange is that it has the same volume if i switch between RCA1 RCA2, and XLR (I have nothing connected to this input!!!). But when I switch from one digital input to another (Coax, Toslink1, Toslink 2), there is no hum. Everything is dead quiet.
So what's going on? Is there anything I can do to eliminate this hum? I tried all sorts of interconnects, speaker cables, the hum remains when I switch from one analog input to another. It might have different intensities, but no cable got rid of it.
i'll try it, thanx. everything is plugged in the same power conditioner, and no cable box or tv in the room.
I spoke with McIntosh about this with my tube integrated amp. They said it was normal.  But I don't get a louder hum when the volume is increased.  It stays the same low level hum
Low level hum in McI is wrong situation, its not normal, Probably, You have problem with el. capacitors in power supply. 
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I just checked and the low level hum is not increasing with volume. I don’t know why I thought it did yesterday. Why aren’t the digital inputs creating that hum? Why only when one of the three analog inputs is selected? Even without any interconnects on those analog inputs....