How does Amazon sell a 300.00 cartridge for 180.00?

In looking for a Denon DL 103 Cartridge, I discovered that Amazon sells the cartridge for $175.11, that everyone else sells for $299.00. Anything I'm missing here?
A few years ago in this Century I purchased a 103 from Comet Supply for $88.00 plus shipping.   Comet Supply sells Industrial Cleaning and Office stuff.  They also sold a lot of Denon gear and I have no clue why.   The prices were hard to believe but they came thru.   I bought two 103's and a 103r.     
I saw a thread with a link to Comet Supply and thought it was a mistake...Do you know if they still have them?
Comet hasn't been seeking Denon carts for some time. I got a bad one from them and had a heck  of a time getting it replaced.