The high power being used to demo the 1.7's in many cases is not representative of what the average audiophile will experience/hear from these speakers at home.
When one pushes past 500 toward 1,000wpc the results with virtually any full range larger floor standing speaker move toward the scintillating end of the experience spectrum. I have experienced this with all manner of speakers, from concentric high efficiency speakers like the Tannoy Glenair to planar hybrids like the Eminent Technology LFT-8B, to the dynamic/planar hybrid Legacy Focus SE (all reviewed). Speakers simply do not sound as "frisky" or vibrant when powered by 200wpc, say, versus 500-1,000wpc.
Some dealers may be showing them with more realistic amplification for most people, which might explain some of the disparity in reports on their sound.
Could differences in amps make that much of a difference? Absolutely. :)