The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
Quick interrupt! It shouldn’t be too much of a mystery why Audioquest cables and power cords sound so good. After all, Audioquest is very forthright when describing the physical and electrical characteristics of their cables and cords. You know, characteristics like solid long grain copper conductors, control of directionality, cold weld terminations, dielectric biasing, highly polished conductor surfaces, etc. and those are the ones they tell you about. Does Audioquest cryogenically treat their cables and cords? I wouldn’t be surprised, I mean, who doesn’t?
The materials AudioQuest uses are still the same as the former series. The way of welding etc. But.....the used technique is a lot different. There are brands who sell their cables burned in, but AudioQuest does not have this service. For the more expensive cables, I think they should have this option.

The differences in dynamic range are huge. It not only goes deeper, but it is also much faster. When I did swop from the Redwood to the Firebird (in single bi-wire Zero+Bass configuration) even after a few seconds it was already superior to the Redwood. My stage is already huge and plays extremely deep behind the loudspeakers. But from the start, the stage depth grew with more than 1 meter of extra depth. The width grew as well.

Today I received my Gryphon Antileon Signature and it will create an even bigger and deeper stage that the Pass Labs does. The individual focus of voices and instruments went to a level in realism and palpable focus I never auditioned before thanks to the Firebird. My modified Lumin X1 is one of the best digital sources at this moment available regardless of money. With the modified Lumin L1 and 2 additional modified power supplies, it creates new standards in digital audio. It is even superior in all aspects compared to the Aurender W20 together with the DCS DAC and upsampler.

In my system, I use for over 100.000 euro in AudioQuest cables. This is even excluded from the 19000 euros in Purist Audio LE power cables. The problem in audio is the lack of knowledge and insight regarding all kinds of different cables. Most can’t read the cables at all. The most common fault at this moment is the use of single wire cables with bridges for bi-wire loudspeakers. I compared single wire loudspeaker cables vs single bi-wire loudspeaker cables a lot. So I understand the benefit of it. But most people in audio have no F. idea of why it is that important.

In the Tru-Fi world where we have full access of all the aspects of sound, single bi-wire loudspeaker cables make an even bigger difference in the end result compared to single wire loudspeaker cables. In the trial&error world, you have no access to all the aspects the AudioQuest loudspeaker can reveal. This is why trial&error people have a totally different truth of AudioQuest cables compared to Tru-Fi owners.

When you have full access to all the different aspects AudioQuest cables can give you, they work so much more efficient and have a much bigger influence on the end result of any system.

Well, their previous power cords were not controlled for directionality. So, there’s that. Plus they might be not forthcoming regarding proprietary information. So, there’s that, too.
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Teo and Bo sound a bit in slightly psychotic maybe?  Working through their rambling manifesto’s was unsettling.  Anyone else concerned for these two out patients?  Reminds me of the alien abduction stories or Mandela effect/deep state conspiracy videos on YouTube !