I purchased a pair of Kanta No. 2s about a year ago, I am driving them with a Levinson 585. with my digital source being an Aurender N10. Speaker cables are Transparent Ultras. I also have a pair of REL S5/SHO subwoofers. The Kantas succeed at being both very detailed and dynamic, but never harsh or overly analytical. I particularly like that while they excel with great recordings, they also are quite enjoyable with average, everyday recordings (which make up the bulk of what I listen to).
I have heard a few, but by no means most of their competitors, so I can't really make any definitive statements about their competition - other than I obviously liked them better than anything else in their price range that I heard.
One note - while the Kanta's bass is quite good down to the lower 40s/upper 30s (in my room at least) adding the RELs was really a big plus. Not just with the lower end, but also with adding a definite sense of air around the performers. The RELs are quick enough to blend seamlessly with the Kantas.