Adcom GFP-710 to Schiit Freya - upgrade?

looking for some thoughts...

It’s been a while since I’ve done anything with my system. I’ve been running a Mac Mini streaming AIFF via Kimber USB into Bel Canto
Dac-3, running the DAC into Pass Labs X250.5 via balanced BlueJeans XLRs. Speakers are Dynaudio S5.4
I recently added a Rega P2 table and that forced me to break out the Adcom GFP-710 that I had laying around in order to be able to switch between sources. Adcom has a built in phono pre, but I bought Schiit Mani as well. I kind of like it a lot. 
I feel that the Adcom may be the weakest link in the chain, and am looking at possibly upgrading a pre. 
Seeking thoughts on Schiit Freya, or any other preamp used or new around $1k that would offer an upgrade in resolution, soundstaging, imaging, etc. 
Balanced or single ended, tubes or solid state, with or without a built in phono pre.

Has anyone compared the Freya to any of the Adcom or comparable preamps, what can you share? What other preamps should I put on a list?
I've owned a few Adcom preamps over the years and enjoyed them immensely, but although nobody has perfect Audio Experience Memory (or AEM, a classic term I just made up), my Freya doesn't require remembering what it sounds like because it's in my rig right now. Since I bought the thing in late 2017 I've marveled at how good it is, and have noted (ad nauseam maybe) that there's still simply nothing out there like it. An excellent tube (or not) preamp.
I've owned some Adcom pieces, and one of their pre's from about 2007.  I've read a lot of owner's comments on Adcom pre's as a result.  Most pan the later Adcom stuff.  I know that I had issues with mine.

These days I'm running a Schiit Saga and after comparing it to the Parasound Halo P5, sold the P5.  It's simply an amazing component.  The sound stage is holographic and live sounding, it's the best my system has sounded.

I've also experimented with other Schiit gear and have become very confident that they know very well what they are doing.  I'd say the Freya would be a significant improvement over your old Adcom pre, no question.