What was your favorite speaker at Axpona 2019

They were all impressive. ..some more than  others.....but 20 years ago at the Palmer house Chicago. ...my favorite speaker was the same as it was 2019....its not a rock n roll speaker per say. .....but its the only speaker that could bring me to tears...the MBL Radialstrahler 101E MKII.....there was were few empty seats in that room....maybe one day?....it was a great show ,first class. ..and all the people were very nice and friendly. ....probably the best crowd I've been around in a big event ever......
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These two guys thought the Quad ESL 57’s were maybe the best they heard at the show.
"Josh Hill on April 16, 2019 - 4:09pm

Those Quads were a wonderful surprise! A friend and I were marveling that a pair of 61-year-old speakers were making the best sound we’d heard at the show so far."

Cheers George

I agree with all the comments so far that these rooms sounded good with the exception of Vandersteen (at least the big room with the 9s) which sounded truly lousy to me to be honest. That doesn’t mean its not a good speaker but it was in a freaking ballroom for Christ sake, and the two speakers were waaaaaayyy far apart in a virtually empty room 24/7. My best of show goes to Muraudio for producing a moderately priced electrostatic hybrid with a seamless driver blend and absolutely beautiful dispersion characteristics which resulted in a powerful illusion of the real thing when playing classical orchestral works.  The Magnepan multi channel room sounded great, as well, as did the Joseph Audio Perspective 2s.
As usual, the MBL's were stellar, as were the Rockports.  The new T&A speakers were fine too.  The big Magico's blew me away too.  For much less money, the Salk's were outstanding.