Esoteric F-07, F-05, Levinson 585

I’m going to trade my Naim Star in for a better integrated.   My choices are: Esoteric F-05, Esotric F-07 or Levinson 585.  I have not heard the new Levinson 5805 yet as it has not hit dealer shelves yet.
I only put the F-07 in because I might not need that much power in my 12x12 listening room. My speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII with Nordost Frey 2 cabling.
I like a tight bass and not so bright highs.  Any comments would be appreciated as I have never owned these brands.

The combo price is around $11k which drops off about $2,500.00 from the price. 

There will be a new one out but not this year, so they are probably drawing down stock. 

There is a gigantic difference between the Star and the Nac 272/250 combo, in our shop we have the Atom, Star and Nova and then we also have the NAC 272/250/XPS 2 and the NAC 282, NAP 300dr, NDX 2 combo.

Even though the NDX 2 is much newer there is not as much difference as you would think from the NAC 272/NAP 250dr combo which just sounds so amazing for the money.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Naim dealers
Mark Levinson No 585 is superior to anything listed here including the Naim and Esoterics. I own the Mark Levinson 585 and the Esoteric I-03 Integrated, the predecessor to the F-05 and F-07.

Go with the 585 and get a great integrated you will keep!
I appreciate the suggestions.
Since you own both brands of integrateds......what is the sound difference between the 585 and F-03?
My speakers are Sonus Faber’s Sonetto VIII and I use Nordost Frey 2 cabling.

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