The music’s the thing but....

Yes, the music is the thing.  But before we became engrossed in this crazy hobby, it was the ONLY thing.  Now, I can’t listen to music on my system without the SOUND entering into the equation.  Unless it’s a patently historic recording, or mono, my enjoyment of the music is tempered by what the sound is like.  That was never the case before.  I can’t seem to enjoy the music if the sound isn’t right.  What a pity that is.
The music should come first, but unfortunately, it doesn’t.
 If I’m listening on a car radio or something, the problem doesn’t exist.
 Zoom, right to the music!
Such is the nature of our obsession.
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Brother schubert, I said there were parallels, not equivalents! I was speaking of your "I find the best done material is when it's done for love first and foremost" statement. In Classical, period-informed musicians and singers specializing in Baroque repertoire are not financially compensated as highly as are modern Symphony Orchestra players and Opera singers. But Baroque specialists are idealists, with a deep love and reverence for the music of that period's composers.

In Pop (non-Classical), while commercial Country singers are pushed by the music industry and often handsomely rewarded, Bluegrass songwriters, musicians, and singers earn relatively meager incomes. When Ricky Skaggs decided to make the move from Country (where he was doing very well) to Bluegrass, his record company did everything in their power to dissuade him. Bluegrass was considered uncommercial, and he was written off by the industry. He did it anyway, following his heart rather than reasoned career advice.

Another parallel is that the Bluegrass community---both performer and audience---shares with the Baroque era composers the Christian faith. Many Bluegrass artists include Gospel songs in their repertoire, some of them recording complete Gospel albums. Consequently Bluegrass festivals are very much family-orientated. I can't take my kid to them, as he's into Rap ;-) .

Getting back to the original topic, the mind is a fickle judge of a system and I hesitate to say this, but I think I’ve reached an unimpeachable (forgive the reference) conclusion.  I believe my set is finally where I want it to be and able to withstand the assaults from the psyche.
Everything seems to have come together with my recently bought equipment, and (no matter how much my darker side protests,) I’m really loving it!
This is like trying to "unknow" a fact that you found out.  Once you learn to listen to the sound, however much you concentrate on the music, however involving the music is, you mind will be there somewhere in the background monitoring the sound.  Dulling down the monitoring function (conversation with other people in the room, alcohol, etc.) is about the best you can do.
bdp24 ,

Yes right you are !Thank you for correcting my ignorance . Still as a Christian I am much closer to  to Bach's version . But  I imagine God is pleased with all Christians that do not hate .