I'm listening to an STA-200 right now. I use it in my office with a pair of KEF Q150's and an Emotiva XDA2 dac. It's a great amp. I've used it at home with an Exogal Comet Dac and Salk Song3's and it sounded great. I also had the Job225 amp and couldn't really tell a difference so I sold the Job and kept he STA-200. Audio Advisor sometimes has them open box for under $450. Can't be beat at $500 or less in my opinion.
However, there are also interesting options in this price point. First amp I'd consider as an option is Van Alstine's new SET 120 amp for about $800. There's also used deals frequently for Odyssey amps and Wyred4Sound amps that are under $1000. There's also the Schiit Vidar and their new Class A amp the Aegis (or something like that, just released today). If you can do tubes I'd look out for a used Primaluna Prologue 4 or 5. You can often find those under $1k. Those are amps I'd consider.
However, there are also interesting options in this price point. First amp I'd consider as an option is Van Alstine's new SET 120 amp for about $800. There's also used deals frequently for Odyssey amps and Wyred4Sound amps that are under $1000. There's also the Schiit Vidar and their new Class A amp the Aegis (or something like that, just released today). If you can do tubes I'd look out for a used Primaluna Prologue 4 or 5. You can often find those under $1k. Those are amps I'd consider.