Why not use a non-contact stylus on a turntable?

I read comments about static-free playback of LPs with some amount of satisfaction.

When CDs were introduced, I quit worrying about the mechanics and started enjoying the music. More so with computer audio.

However, lots of folks like vinyl .... apparently. ;<)

Why not take all the worry, wringing of hands, and frustration out of the equation by insisting on touch-free stylus technology?

What is the technology? Hell if I know! But if nerds can sample the bits on a CD, they can sure as heck track the grooves on an LP!

Not only track the grooves, but filter out the grunge!

Play your oldest vinyl in complete background silence!

Put technology to work on vinyl! You’ll breathe easier for it.

Kind regards,

Sure. I get it. CD looks good on paper, sounds like crap in reality. So let's think of a way to make LP look good on paper, sound like crap in reality. CD won't be so crappy compared to analog, and analog will be all modern and convenient. And crappy. Totally get it.

Nice try. And thanks. But no.
It's been done; the results were mixed. (I'm being kind.) Feel free to design something better.
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