Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
This an update in regards to the above thread on 03/06/19. 

Upon inserting the Inakustik power cord with the Furutech 20 amp female connector from the factory power cable difference was night and day. It was an immediate jump in volume which I new would happen. I’ve had power cords do this with my subwoofer which a had to dial the sub volume down 2-3 notches.          

Furthermore this conditioner at its break in period and the Inakustik cord and furutech connector broken in now has made me realize the potential of this conditioner. It notched a couple levels as they broke in at 300+ hours. Extremely dynamic and spacious, bass hit hard and well rounded. One day I swore I had a subwoofer in the system as I hadn’t listened for a day or two and was really overwhelmed by what I heard. I also noticed focus of instruments and singers were more defined. I really can’t wait when I do get a subwoofer in the system how it will sound with this 3500P. 

One one thing too is my 75”KS9000 QLED looks really really good after plugging it into this conditioner. Extremely vibrant, blacks are blacker and even local digital cable(The voice) swore it looked 4K. It was that good. I would say a 15-20% better picture overall. And it’s not even calibrated yet!!!!! Wow. 

As I’ve said before, I cannot see myself taking this conditioner out with what I’m seeing and hearing....no way!!!!!

cheers and Happy Easter all!!!!


Gee, I guess this means that a bunch of those fantastic CPT cords/filters that were "...never going to come out of your system..." will now be coming out of your system and hitting the GON to find their new homes.
@bacardi ,Good to let us know about the improvements that you are getting. Is that the standard Inakustik power cord that was re-terminated? If YES, then who did that for you and what was the price?For me a change like going from a mid-priced monitor loudspeaker to a expensive floor standing full-range would mean a "night and day". I experienced that when I moved from the diminutive, but still excellent Quad 21L to the ProAc D48R. Was the change with the Furutech plug really that much? If yes, then I am a bit worried while considering this power conditioner - is it "altering" the source sound? I am also considering the the IsoTek Sigmas EVO3 which is similarly priced. The comparison link I provided above was between Inakustik and IsoTek's lower priced power conditioner, Aquarius. I wonder how the Inakustik would compare with the Sigmas.Thank You for sharing your experience with the Inakustik. Seems an interesting product.
The cord re-terminated was an Inakustik 2505 power cord. Inakustik no longer makes them. They now have the 2404air which is another level. This 2505 is a bigger gauge than the smallest Inakustik power cord which is mainly for source/pre low current. One thing to remember, my conclusions above was mainly the difference from a factory cord to a custom ended connector on a stunning Inakustik power cord. Bob at worldwidewholesales did the termination himself with a Furutech F11 female end. The cord was already broken in but the connector needed it’s time and to blend seeing as though it is connected to the wall outlet. The wall outlet has a Furutech GTX-D rhodium receptacle with carbon wall plate and Akiko Harmonizer on the outlet itself. So the start of the chain is a dedicated 20 amp line to panel. 

     That’s just saying that my train has a beefy engine running the whole train. And this 3500P conditioner is the power plant of the train for sure. Without it everything wouldn’t been in its place....