Silverline SR17.5 crossover modifications?

Does anyone have experience with crossover modifications for the Silverline SR17.5 monitors? I'm considering changing to higher quality parts and would like your input: Dueland resistors, Mundorf silver-in-oil caps, Alpha core inductors, and silver wire. Or should I just leave them alone? I don't want to change the overall sonic character of the speakers, just improve what's already there.
Alan uses a 1st order crossover with a custom inductor and one Chinese cap and one Chinese sand-cast resistor. I won't touch the inductor but it sure looks like the cap and resistor can be improved. Like Reynolds 853, I'm going to try replacing the caps and resistors -- but leave the old parts in place on the board for now, just in case. I'll replace the resistors first and see how it sounds. Then move on to the caps. I bought Dueland resistors and Mundorf Silver/Oil caps. It's a simple job.
Earlier this week I ordered a pair of Duelund VSF copper capacitors to replace the Mundorf S/G/O in my 17.5s.

My goal is to move from "slight top-end emphasis" to "tonal balance near perfection" as Tony Gee wrote.

It may take a while to receive the VSFs and give them a fair amount of break-in, but I will update this thread in due time.
So how did the Duelund caps work out in your Silverline speakers?

They worked great. It doesn't take much listening to them to understand what Tony Gee meant when he described them as having near perfect tonal balance. Compared to the s/g/o caps, the VSF is also faster and more richly textured. The sound through them is as clear as a bell. Obviously, I recommend them very highly for the SR17.5.

Are you considering Duelund for a project, and if so, what speakers?