Upgrade advice (from Paradigm signature s8v2 + aria 948s to... ??)

Currently have Paradigm signature s8v2 + aria 948s. I wanted to compare them and enjoy the signatures more but now feel I want to sell both and see if I can get even better sound [of the 2 I definitely prefer the signatures]. I am driving my system with:

2 x bryston 4bsst amps (with sst2 mobo) in bridged mode.
Dac is a denafrips terminator
streamer: Sotm sms 200 ultra.
Preamp: audio gd he9.
Subs: Dual 18 inch PSA (V1800s)

After selling my speakers I was thinking of something in the 10-20k range. Only problem is my room is not very big, 12 ft x 16 ft x 8 ft.

Any ideas on what a next step up would be? Some options I was considering:
Canton 5k
Monitor Audio Platinum PL500 ii
Revel salon2/ultima 2
Focal scala utopia/maestro utopia [if I can get a deal]
Tekton Ulfberht with 1 be tweeter [I can do a trade for my aria + $4500]
Legacy focus SE
Sonus Faber Serafino
Vandersteen 5A
Eggleston Andra III SE
Dynaudio C4 confidence
KEF 207/2 (can get a used pair for around $10k)

Would appreciate thoughts.
Ah.. ya I forgot the personas, definitely something im considering. I'd like to buy used if i can or b stock so i can maximize my investment and get the most bang for my buck.

santab: Ya thats a good point bryston's are fairly neutral. Maybe a darker thick speaker would be better.
Dali Epicon 8 is a pretty fine speaker to consider as well.
Also, you can get a set of Tidal Piano G2 with ceramic tweeters for just over $20k from The Voice That Is.
@smodtactical I forgot to mention that the same day I heard the Eggleston speakers with Bryston I also heard Bryston 4B3 with Vandersteen Treo CT. That was a good combo and you should go have a listen to that. A ton of CT Treo fans on this site.
Personally I really think that most of those speakers on your list would simply overpower your room. I think that you would be overspending to get something that is really made for a much bigger room. Maybe try looking at a GoldenEar Triton 1r or something more on that size/price level for the room that you have which is not very big to begin with at 12 x 16.