Forever turntable under $2000

In search of: forever turntable.

I'm currently looking to upgrade from my existing Pro-Ject RPM 1.3 to a table that I will (hopefully) never grow out of. I'm looking for something that is *technically* competent, something where I know the engineering is extremely solid and "timeless," and provides a good analog platform to swap carts with. My budget for this is $1600 with cart (but up to $2000 if there's a good case for it). The rest of my system is as follows:

* LSA 2.1 Statement speakers

* Schiit Gumby DAC

* Schiit Freya preamp

* Adcom GFA555 power amp

* Schiit Mani phono stage

So far, I have looked into the Rega P6 (or a used RP6), a Clearaudio Concept, a variety of Pro-Ject offerings, and a Michell Technodec... but at this level there are so many choices, its hard to know where to start. Any ideas? Thanks!
Used VPI HW19 MK III or MK IV.  Lots ow ways to tweak (upgrade) with suspension, stand alone motor, speed controller, etc.  

Technics SL1200GR or for even less money, under $1000 if you're lucky,
vintage Denon DP80.

Second VPI's HW-19 suggestion. The Mk.2 version is different from the Mk.3 only in having a layer of steel rather than stainless steel bonded to the bottom of the MDF plinth. Replace the stock spring suspension with something better (SIMS Navcom Silencers are popular, as are Herbies Audio Labs Tenderfeet) for an upgrade.

Perhaps the best used VPI value is the Aries 1, which is a mini-TNT without that table's suspension (use Townshend Audio Seismic Pods in place of the Aries' stock cone feet); an excellent platter and bearing (the exact same as found on the TNT-3/4), and a separate 16lb. motor pod.

How how does the sound quality of a new GR compare with the classic SL-1200?  On par or better? Thanks.