What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
So far this year:
EAR 534 amp (preowned).
High Fidelity CT-2 S/PDIF cable (outstanding SQ).
(2) High Fidelity MC-05 power modules.
Many NOS tubes.
DH Cones.
Custom Furutech PC by VH Audio.

Luxman 507uxRaspberry Pi + case
Now ask me what I need to get rid of .... << crying >>
Replaced my Mac power amp with a McIntosh MC302 amp.   It’s a 300wpc monster.