Best speaker that Proac ever made

What do you believe to be the best speaker that Proac ever made ? Stand mount and tower versions. Not limited to the reference series or any other speaker series that Proac made.
I have the 3's, and love them. They do need the right amp, and room. I would guess 12 X 12 would be a bit small. I tried several amps and was so disappointed I wouldn't even use them. My friend has them running w some vintage threshold gear, so I knew what they could do. They need good power or you won't like them. I've got a big Arcam HT amp driving them now and I'm happy. It's still not the perfect match, but does the trick at the moment.
Thanks Jperry and Zydo, I ended up going with Proac D2 instead and they're perfect in my room. I appreciate the input, every little bit helps.
The original ProAc Super Tower, with its Ti tweeter replaced with the tweeter from a Tablette. (So I guess ProAc never made the best ProAc speaker after all).