Your favourite Rush albums?

Started as a side discussion on another thread so thought I would just make a thread for it.

Pretty simple really, your favourite Rush albums and why?

To keep it simple, studio albums ONLY, no bootlegs, live albums etc.
2112 - is my favorite and the only album or theirs in my regular rotation

Moving Pictures- it takes me back to my high school days
Roll the Bones - its a solid album and the only time i've seen them live was on that tour. They were tight and put on a great show. Still can't figure out why they had Primus open for em, probably a Canadian thing.

My favorites are all up until and including moving pictures. I've had a long held belief that any good band's first 5(approximately) records are their best then they usually trail off. One possible exception being primus, they still jam hard af.
Being a drummer I always was a fan of All The World’s A Stage, which included the first 4 albums, then I would say 2112 and Farewell to Kings...Cygnus-X1 etc. was a killer track. Hemispheres and "La Villa Strangiato", I spent countless hours learning that tune getting up from my drum kit and starting it over(cassette deck). Then Moving Pictures album and the first time I saw them live (1981 New Orleans Municipal Auditorium) that sealed the deal.