Good lord. Your question brings back vivid memories of all night’ers with headphones. I was renting a bedroom off a buddy at his dads place. Many an evening we came home in the we hours of the mornings after closing up every local rock and roll bar in town. His dad would of course be asleep. The object of the game back then was to meet a girl, bring her home, sneak her in, and then out, of our rooms before mornings. Brad and I kind of had a little competition going on . But most of the time, we came back home alone. The headphones would go on, and so would 2112. And then Farewell to Kings. I even had a mural painting of that huge hawk from Fly by Night on the trunk lid of my Electra 225 Buick I drove back then. No wonder I had issues picking up girls. Thanks for the memory.. LOL
Farewell to Kings