What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
Wow, I'm gettin spending envy. 

I added to my rotation of receiver/amps (Peachtree Audio Nova, Outlaw Audio RR2160, Sansui G-3500, Yamaha CR-600) a completely rebuilt Pioneer SA-9100. So far I have kept it front and center while the others were put into service elsewhere in the house or boxed for (possible) resale. 

Also bought a NAD C658 which I mostly loved but it lacked some of the updates that were critical to me keeping it. As soon as BluOS and NAD finish the updates (mainly Dirac) I will reorder it to get the full 30 day tryout. 
You really had to ask this question??
So approximately since 1/1/19 give or take:
Bryston BP173 Preamp 
Bryston BDA-3 DAC
Bryston 4B3 (2) run as monoblocks
Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl Phono Preamp 
VPI Prime Signature turntable
Ortofon 2M Black cart 
Magico A3 pair
then sold off one of the Bryston 4B3 amps and acquired
Bryston 28B3 monoblocks (2)
AQ Niagara 5000
AQ Tornado Power cables
and some other things...
and sold a bunch of things in my system turnover...
and working to pay for my “hobby”!
Goldenear Reference speakers. PS Audio Directstream with Bridge 2. McIntosh Mc452 stereo amp. McIntosh C50 Preamp. The last two were bought at the end of last year. I think. LOL
This  year I bought a Rega P3, and a Bluesound Node 2. Both were second hand. Extremely happy with both purchases. Now for an intergrated amp and some speakers.