The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
We work our way and respect is a lot more important than money ever will be. I receive each week emails of people who aks advice and want details of which cables or products we advice for their system.

But we work totally different, I will never tell them. We are not interested in selling just separate products. We create sound by how it is formed and which aspects it owns in real. We do not want people to get systems which cannot reveal all the aspects of sound.

When people would know more about how music sounds in real it will make them understand easier why their own systems sound so different. When you do not teach people how voices and instruments sound in reality, they will keep on buying products who can sound a lot different.

There are too many brands in cables who emphasizes a certain freq.range. But based on the fact that audio is done by trial&error they will never understand the influence and DNA of this particular cable. Trial&error will not give them the information that this cable emphasis a certain freq. response. 

Trail&error will always make you different faults within any system you want to create. This is why at the end your system can still not reveal all the aspects of sound which your music owns. The sound and stage your systems produce will always show what is there and what is missing.

People often forget that we work only with different specialists who have a lot of insight and knowledge in their field. Together you will always be so much stronger. AudioQuest is a great example that when you hire a specialist in electricity your products can reach new levels of quality. Audio needs better people who understand certain aspects better than others do.

So together you can develop better new products. Only a higher quality and level in realism in audio products can make more people interested in audio. Audio shops need more education regarding all kind of different cables. When I hear the stories of AudioQuest Europe it proves that education is needed.

All the photos on Facebook and the Internet often show that many people who work in audio do not even understand the basic parts of audio anymore. The photos tell and prove it. You cannot wait and just stare. You need to act. I talked with AudioQuest Europe different times about this matter.

Their presentations are only based on the new technical enhancements of their new products. People need to be taught how to use cables and what they will do. When you see what is even possible with cables these days, in the past we could only dream of this.

The influence of cables has never been bigger than now. People often think that you need expensive cables. But that is not true. When you get the right DNA even the cheap cables can make a huge difference.
I think Bo likes Audioquest a little bit or am I reading into his thesis too much?
Anyway, revisited some of my favorite cables over the last 4 decades, including one newcomer;  MIT, Transparent, Audioquest and Anticables.  For my current setup, I have narrowed it down to Transparent and Anticables.  They all have their virtues and finding the right balance for any given system will be subjective of course.  Audioquest always gets my attention at first, but then let’s me feeling flat after the break in period is over.  MIT always sounds musical, yet can wind up a bit too uneven in the frequencies.  Transparent offers the lowest noise floor and the greatest dynamic range, with exceptional bass/midrange and clean organic highs.  Anticables are an open window...dynamic and totally revealing yet smooth .  They are expressive and quick with a bit of an upward shift harmonically.  It’s all in the balance and personal preference.  Long term listenability will probably put me in Transparent Audio’s camp for this system...provides nuance, texture, dynamics and an organic palpability that is hard to beat.  FWIW
We all have our own preferences, I love Purist Audio as well. I still sell Kimber as well. It is not only AudioQuest. But the new cables from AudioQuest are really impressive. The thing I love most about AudioQuest is the fact that they can reveal all the aspects of sound. Even their cheapest products work the same way. 

It is pure joy to work with these cables every single time. But what is even more important is the happiness of our clients who buy them. It is our task to create the highest levels in result possible. And AudioQuest has proven to be a big important part of the success of Tru-Fi.