What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
So far replaced 4 Crimson 640 E3s with a PS Audio BHK 250... what an amp !Currently awaiting delivery of MG Audio Planus 3 speaker cables. Speakers are next for upgrade but awaiting to hear the new PS audio speakers
SR PowerCell 12 UEF SE
SR Active Ground Block + HR grounding cables
SR SRX power cable x 1 (for PowerCell)*
SR Galileo SX AC cables x 12
SR Galileo SX IC cables x 2 pairs
SR Galileo SX SC speaker cables
SR ECT x 25
Lyra Etna SL stereo and Lyra Etna mono cartridges
Kuzma Stabi M turntable
Kuzma 4-point 9 tonearm (for Etna mono)
Thales Statement tonearm (for Etna SL stereo)
Moon 810LP phono preamp
Prima Luna Evo 400 preamp
Prima Luna Evo 400 power amps x 2
Full suite of Perfect Path products

Last listed made everything else perform x 2
* not delivered yet.

I merely purchased a good Yamaha receiver, CD player, better speaker wires, and now streaming Spotify.  This will hold me over for a while until I learn more, then I'm sure I'll get serious. I've learned from other hobbies, not to jump in too soon and keep changing. 
In 2019 I got a pair of (almost new) Rethm Saadhana and a Rega Planar 6 that was returned to a shop because of a small mar on the cover (Great deal!) and a TimberNation Rack System that is great looking and well build with a very reasonable price
- Pair of Tekton Pendragon spkrs
- Goldring 1042 cartridge
- DIY way upgraded and modded EAR 834p phono stage, which  
  came out amazingly!