What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
In 2019 I got a pair of (almost new) Rethm Saadhana and a Rega Planar 6 that was returned to a shop because of a small mar on the cover (Great deal!) and a TimberNation Rack System that is great looking and well build with a very reasonable price
- Pair of Tekton Pendragon spkrs
- Goldring 1042 cartridge
- DIY way upgraded and modded EAR 834p phono stage, which  
  came out amazingly! 
Pair of Audio Mirror Reflection 45 watt SET monoblocks - new, and  NOS input tubes, Shuguang CV181, and Slyvania VT 229. Rolled tubes for several years and got over it, now trying to simplify while improving sound. Never had monoblocks or an SET amp. Love these amps and sound! Oh, upgraded 3 sets of interconnects to Cardas (various line of Clear). And way too many LPs!
Pass Labs XP22 preamp
Pass Labs XP17 phono preamp
Audioquest Colorado IC's

Hoping to get Marantz SA-10 in the near future
although a bit worried that the Modified DAC I own now
might be better than the DAC used in SA-10
I bought an almost new Rega P6 with a 600$ Rega cart,on from a friend of mine .He is is a nice guy and quite wealthy so he gave me a good deal ,.$10.00 .