I have just removed the D60 from my system and will be sending it along with the Black Cat back to the lending library tomorrow. After trying a number of cables, I will order the D60. The only cable that would be a preference was the Synergistic Research (sorry model escapes me) but it was 1200.00 and the D60 should be around 350.00. The D60 wasn’t as bright at the Kimber AGDL and was better on ambiance and bass definition and delivery. The SynResearch had more bass but seemed to dull the highs a bit, which I think reduced brightness, but then some detail was lost as well. So bang for buck in my setup, the Kimber seems to be the solution or at least puts an end to searching.
i would be curious to your finding with the Wireworld.
i would be curious to your finding with the Wireworld.