Kimber D60 vs Wireworld Gold Starlight 7

Does anyone have any experiences with either of these Digital Cables? Looking for some opinions please.
I was going to try the D60 next. Haven’t heard the Wireworld but I loaned out the Shunyata Delta and I am very impressed with the detail and dynamics. I knew nothing of this company and now am seriously considering the Delta and Delta NR power cord. You should check it out too.
I had not considered the Shunyata product for the digital cable. I probably should try one but I just ordered the D60. I have been looking at the Denali power conditioners and will probably go that way, but as with all things audio, budget is the final say.
I found the Delta Digital very revealing and will compare it to the D60 when I get it so I'll let you know. I really loved the Delta NR power cord and will most likely purchase it. You are so so right about budget. I'm trying to control myself. I find these little tweaks really do make a difference though.

Yes, the tweaks along the way can add or detract. But like a chain, each link is a contributing source to the overal strength of the chain.