Remote control of hidden components?

How do I control my gear with remote if it's hidden behind cabinet doors? HT novice so be kind.

Is there a device that plugs into the rear of the BDP, Receiver,... (isn't there an IR plug on the back?) and another part sits on top of cabinet? Something simple, not expensive. Then there's the four remotes I have also. There has to be an inexpensive solution for this without getting too complicated and messy.

If the repeater idea doesn't work you can try something like the Universal RFS200 package that includes a nice remote and an RF unit that operates on radio waves rather than infrared so it can work through doors, walls, etc. It's a nice universal remote and at B&H Photo it's available for around $80 if that's not too much. It also comes with a DVD to aid in set-up if you're new to this stuff. Best of luck.
Maybe not the answer you want to hear but....a sony Playstation PS3 with the digital out connected to a DacMagic...and voilĂ ...a nice cd player, top-notch Blu-ray machine, 250GB of stored music, AND because the PS3's remote is bluetooth, you could even operate the unit from the next room if you wanted to ! Purchase price is so cheap, you could certainly find a use for it if not for audio...

I'd prefer a cable plugged into the back of equipment then a cable stuck over the IR input. If only there was a way to use the plasmas IR sensor for everything. I want a clean, uncluttered way of controlling. I may have no choice though but to get the IR repeater set up because of budget.

I tried the PS3. Great for games, and I loved the GUI, but I wouldn't consider it a "top-notch" BDP unless it was used as a transport with an outboard video processor (DVDO,..). I found the PQ to be "gamey" if you will. Reminded me of watching movies on a computer. The Marantz BD7004 had a more filmic quality to it. More enjoyable. I ended up going backwards and getting a BD8002. Stunning!

Logitech looks to have some decent solutions in both IR and RF control, as well as the Harmony universal remotes. Any feedback from users here? Which model? IR or RF?

Magnolia/Best Buy tried to push Speaker Craft's IR Repeater. $250!! I can get a Salamander kit for under $100, plus a universal remote for that price.

The IR or RF blasters could work but I'd have to hang them over the front of the equipment because there's no room on the shelf in front (not enough cabinet depth), unless placing to the side would work. I prefer the idea of an RF kit because you can hide it completely, but some customers comment that reliability can be touch-n-go.

I definitely want an RF set up so I can hide it completely. I can live with the "stick-on" IR emitters too, but there are a couple blaster versions as well.

I saw this great URC remote and RF station the other day at a local retailer. $500+!! And then $300+ more for programming both units?! That's absurd. URC does have a consumer package offering though for less then $100 at Amazon. There's also a not too expensive Harmony set up.

What about apps for iPhone or iPad to use as a remote with an IR/RF repeater?