Merlin vsm mme owners, Cardas cabling Question.

HI, just purchased an used pair of merlin vsm mme,replaced my Von swheikert VR3, my Question is, why cardas cables are so critical for this speakers, had cardas cables before, speakers and interconnect, and heated the sound of those cables, very muddy and slow, bass all over the place,coulnt'pull them out fas enough,
my preamp is joulet electra 150mk11, and I'm really scare to spend $3000,or more on used cardas GR,cables,now I'm using KCI silk worm with analysis solo cristal I/C, sounds good, but a little thin, great midrange, but not full body sound, that I'm acustom to, what will cardas bring to the table , in this situation.

your coments wil be apreciated;


HI, Boage, how do you compare the sealth MLT,with the GR?
do you get full body sound as cardas, what's the sonic diference there is a pair for sell I'just may grab, no cardas spkrs cables available and also been intrigued about the MLT,please explain:

Maybe I am one of those cult-like followers, but I can say first hand that each improvement to the VSM's that I've personally experienced was not at all subtle. I went from upgraded VSM-MMe with leaded Super BAM to a lead-free Super BAM and it was a significant improvement. Then I want from lead-free Super BAM and RC's to the Master versions with Duelund caps and the improvement was stunning.

The fact that the basic design hasn't changed and yet the sound has dramatically improved with each upgrade only proves that the basic design was good to start with.

I will say that set-up is critical with the VSM's. An inch makes a difference. By the way, I'm using Cardas GR speaker cable and Cardas Clear interconnects and I find them to be tonally neutral, yet highly musical. I haven't tried a lot of different of cables, but that's because I'm actually satisfied.
Let me clarify:

No offense was intended by the "cult" reference. I was merely trying to explain how some people have concluded that the VSM won't work properly unless paired with "insert Bobby's choice here". If you search these threads, the product has been criticized for this, as in:
You know, if you buy VSMs, you'll have to ditch the rest of your system and replace it with "insert Bobby's choices here".

I've seen that one and I know that Bobby has, too.
I find it outright silly. I've used more than a dozen different amps with mine, ranging from 300B SETs to high powered SS monoblocks and the speaker sounded terrific (although a bit different) with each.
Sorry if I offended, but I was merely advising the OP that Cardas cables weren't his only choice for the VSM.
I intended nothing more and apologize to any who felt slighted by my choice of words.

Hi Juancgenao. Just to be clear, I didn't have the GR speaker cables, just the interconnects along with AU24 speaker cables. That being said, with the Stealth cables I find that they do the neat trick of sounding more detailed, fuller, (is that a word... more full?), and relaxed/natural all at the same time.

I never got the term relaxed as it related to music reproduction but when I put my Stealth hyperphono cable, (the first Stealth cable in my system), into my system that was exactly the first word that popped into my head. Relaxed.

There is a nice relaxed natural quality that I find with Stealth cables that I personally like. It reminds me of what I hear when I go to the symphony. I find them to be detailed and full sounding at the same time.

I remember when I changed from my AU24's to Hybrid MLT's a buddy of main with very good ears commented that everything sounded fuller.

I'm very happy with them and for my tastes they're a winner but as with anything in this crazy hobby, YMMV.

Best of luck with whatever you choose.
Marty, no offense taken at all. My comments were more directed at the complaint that the basic design of the VSM's hadn't changed.

Here's a possible explanation of the "cult" phenomenon: I think that some of us appreciate the recommendations of designers because we don't have the resources or the desire to experiment with lots of different pieces. We want to get the most music out of our system, and it's nice to be able to trust someone like Bobby P.'s recommendations. cheers, Glenn