Turntable Mat question

I read a turntable Mat comparison which mentioned that although there are many different choices,
some audiophiles will use LP Records as a mat
What is your opinion about this ?
I'll go with millercarbon on this one. Bad idea unless all your records are 200  grams. The best mat I ever used was glass plate with a thin layer of felt on top. It had a recessed center and the diameter was slightly less then a record. Dead as a door nail. SME,  Kuzma, Walker, SOTA, Basis and the Air force tables use the best record hold down systems. SOTA was the first to use vacuum. SME, Kuzma and Walker flex the record into the mat. 
It has been suggested that I post the type turntables that I have..
I have :
          Technics  SL 1600
           Pioneer PL 122D belt drive
           Yamaha P350
            Rotel RP 9400
I read this article about Mats which stated that LP Records were being used for mats and this surprised me....this is the reason for my post asking for opinions .
It has been suggested that I post the type turntables that I have..
I have : Technics SL 1600 ...

For Technics platter SAEC SS-300 is absolutely perfect, look at SAEC on SL1200mkII or on SP-10mkII , same about Micro CU-180 on Technics platter. Those mats looks like they are designed for use with Technics DD. 

Saec is cheaper and much more complicated in design, look here

I doubt you can find anything better that those 2 mats. I'm telling you as the user of Technics for more than 23 years. 

No offense meant to the OP...

There are MANY threads dedicated to TT mats/clamps. I'm wondering why we have to keep re-writing our similar responses when, IMO, the people who have interest in this should be investigating for themselves. I mean, come on!...... mats/clamps?......this is fairly easy if one is willing to actually spend their own time and little money on it? In actuality, it may come down to one's own personal listening bias anyway.

There, I said it.