Preamp Question

I would like recommendations on preamps.  Here's my issue.

I have an Elekit 300B SET amp.  It only has one pair of line level RCA inputs.  I run two different sources--vinyl and digital.  The Elekit does not have a remote. 

I have a Schitt Freya preamp that is really something for the money. It has a remote.  But, my Manley Chinook phono preamp and Doge 7 tube DAC both sound better running direct to the Elekit amp.  The Doge has a volume/attenuator and remote so when I'm using that I'm in good shape.  

So basically I'd like to use a preamp to add remote and 2 line level inputs for convenience either without reducing the sound quality or even improving or changing it for the better.  Budget would be $2-4k new or used is fine. 
Here's another good option.  I believe the output impedance is 2 kOhm and I don't know what input impedance is on your amp, so something to check.  If you're after transparency, this will be tough to beat.

Here's a review for more info FWIW...

Best of luck. 
The preamp I chose is the Grounded Grid kit from Transcendent Sounds. I upgraded it with silver hookup wire, Goldpoint step attenuator and switches, and Bent Audio remote volume control. I also used NOS Amperex 12AU7 tubes, and Clarity Caps output caps. This thing sounds tremendous.

I assume you must have built the Elekit 300B, so if so, this would be a great project for you. The basic kit runs $499. With just a few part upgrades, it's an amazing bargain.

Enjoy, and regards,
Thanks for all the recommendations.  I'm off to research.  Others, please keep them coming!