Preamp Question

I would like recommendations on preamps.  Here's my issue.

I have an Elekit 300B SET amp.  It only has one pair of line level RCA inputs.  I run two different sources--vinyl and digital.  The Elekit does not have a remote. 

I have a Schitt Freya preamp that is really something for the money. It has a remote.  But, my Manley Chinook phono preamp and Doge 7 tube DAC both sound better running direct to the Elekit amp.  The Doge has a volume/attenuator and remote so when I'm using that I'm in good shape.  

So basically I'd like to use a preamp to add remote and 2 line level inputs for convenience either without reducing the sound quality or even improving or changing it for the better.  Budget would be $2-4k new or used is fine. 
Here's another good option.  I believe the output impedance is 2 kOhm and I don't know what input impedance is on your amp, so something to check.  If you're after transparency, this will be tough to beat.

Here's a review for more info FWIW...

Best of luck. 
The preamp I chose is the Grounded Grid kit from Transcendent Sounds. I upgraded it with silver hookup wire, Goldpoint step attenuator and switches, and Bent Audio remote volume control. I also used NOS Amperex 12AU7 tubes, and Clarity Caps output caps. This thing sounds tremendous.

I assume you must have built the Elekit 300B, so if so, this would be a great project for you. The basic kit runs $499. With just a few part upgrades, it's an amazing bargain.

Enjoy, and regards,
Thanks for all the recommendations.  I'm off to research.  Others, please keep them coming!
Tim de Paravicini is well known to be a great designer/engineer (he designed the tube electronics in the analog recorder Kav Alexander uses for his superb Water Lily label albums), yet his EAR-Yoshino amps and pre-amps remain largely ignored by audiophiles. His 868L pre-amp fits your needs, and is occasionally available used for around $3,000. His 912 pre-amp is probably more than you require, and it costs considerably more anyway (one just sold on Audiogon for $8,000).