Your favourite Rush albums?

Started as a side discussion on another thread so thought I would just make a thread for it.

Pretty simple really, your favourite Rush albums and why?

To keep it simple, studio albums ONLY, no bootlegs, live albums etc.

I can’t take Geddy’s singing from the last...what is it...10, 15 years?...where he’d lost his old vocal dexterity and no longer does the high notes. Even within his lowered vocal range I found his voice to be a hard-to-listen-to strained gargle. Especially the later live performances. Egad! A real bummer and pretty much rules out Rush music of that era for me.
@simao - Thanks. I have an OP of Hemispheres that I'm perfectly happy with. Just trying to decide if I want to invest in the 40th Anniversary edition. Probably not......
I was weened on "2112", however, I think their "S/T" is their best and one of THE best rock debut lps of all time.
"Grace Under Pressure - not everyone’s choice"
Well, it is mine, and an easy one to make ~ they hit their stride here, then fell off the wall...they gradually morphed into something you didn’t see coming, listening to this album ~ and ALL the musicians I knew when I was playing back in the 80s talked about this album, and pretty much it only ~ reverentially.
Moving pictures, Hemispheres, Signals. I love most rush but my least favorite is snakes and arrows. Need to give that some more listens though bc it sounds like most people like that one.  I think production wise rush really took a step back after Broon. And the last one clockwork angels I’m not sure what they did but it sounds terrible to me which is unfortunate bc I like most of the songs. As I side note the guy saying rush lacks musicianship and in the next post claims Santana is a great guitarist is a bit curious. Lifeson can play circles around Santana. Check out Santana playing the star spangled banner on YouTube it’s cringe worthy.