Preamp Question

I would like recommendations on preamps.  Here's my issue.

I have an Elekit 300B SET amp.  It only has one pair of line level RCA inputs.  I run two different sources--vinyl and digital.  The Elekit does not have a remote. 

I have a Schitt Freya preamp that is really something for the money. It has a remote.  But, my Manley Chinook phono preamp and Doge 7 tube DAC both sound better running direct to the Elekit amp.  The Doge has a volume/attenuator and remote so when I'm using that I'm in good shape.  

So basically I'd like to use a preamp to add remote and 2 line level inputs for convenience either without reducing the sound quality or even improving or changing it for the better.  Budget would be $2-4k new or used is fine. 
Channel Islands Audio PLC•1 MKII Remote Passive Line Controller•1-mkii-remote-passive-line-controller
Very transparent in my system, but I need more inputs and the tape loop. 
Good luck!

Look for a used Cary SLP05 which should cost about $4K. It's a great preamp. I wouldn't pay more than $4K, though.
Millercabon,  Your advice is smart and your post funny.  Nice work. 

Modifying the Elekit is not going to work because there's limited room inside the chassis to tie in another set of RCA inputs. And, even if I did, it wouldn't give me a remote.  I agree though that's a great mod to do if it were feasible.  I actually think one set of inputs is the Elekit's Achilles heel.  

I'm still researching all the great suggestions here.
The best amp for HiEnd, IMO, is tube amp with 1 RCA input. More inputs with a lot of connections, switches  and solders lead to decreasing of quality of sounding. Also and remote control. Every passive  and added active component on the paths of sound decrease quality. Real tube sound comes from min. components for modes of every stage. /My 1 cent/.