Turntable Mat question

I read a turntable Mat comparison which mentioned that although there are many different choices,
some audiophiles will use LP Records as a mat
What is your opinion about this ?
Well, wouldn’t you know it? I took off the 10" record mat and played Basie Jam #2 again directly on the CTC oversize aluminum platter on my 401. Heck, better. Tighter bass, faster 3D cymbals, more color and emotion. I didn’t even bother adjusting VTA as it sounds perfect. Thanks for berating me!
Boston Audio developed a carbon graphite mat that many found to their liking, and sold it for quite a few years. BA is out of business, but Sakura Systems is now making and selling it for $250.
I did try the Hudson acrylic mat ( with label recess) but still preferred my 5mm Funk Firm Achromat.

However it is all going to be tt dependant as well as platter material.

Everyone is likely to have a slightly different experience.

My tt is Nottingham Analog Spacedeck.
A 20+ yr old ringmat. They appear to have gone Uber complex now with extra things you put under them. 

I’m really happy with the basic mat.
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