Infinity Owners: New EMIM Diaphragms Available

I have a set of these in my RSIIb speakers, and they are a huge improvement over the stock diaphragms in terms of clarity, detail and dynamic range; these are a complete upgrade to every aspect of the EMIM sound. Just released!

Note: I have no association to the seller of these units - I'm just a very happy customer!

More details available here:

In any case, if the EMIMs sell well, then EMITs will follow, and after that perhaps L-EMIMs. If those sound as good as the EMIMs, those old Infinities will be giving some very expensive new speakers a run for their money!
By the way, the owner of Apogee spoke with Harman, and they said they had no plans to ever make more themselves, so it looks like it's OK with them.
Hey Ait,


I'm a big time Infinity fan and I really apprecitate the info you shared with us.
Will they be making the High Energy Emim that is used in the renaissance 80 and 90, also used in the IRS speakers omega,sigma,epsilon?
It all depends on the response to the EMIMs. Graz, the Apogee guy, spent a lot of time and effort engineering a technically superior replacement (they sound incredible, actually!) for the EMIM. If he can turn a profit, then he will move on to other drivers like EMITs, HE-EMIM, etc. If he ends up with a boatload of EMIM diaphragms nobody wants, he will not do any other drivers.

So buy up, folks!