WANTED: A remote control for my Audio Research CD1.

A leaky battery killed the remote for my ARC CD1 CD player. I tried cleaning the contacts but I think some acid got into the works. Found nothing on eBay or Amazon so here I am, hoping to get lucky.
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The Harmony remotes work on my AR LS-16 but only a few of the functions. You cannot change inputs with the Harmony. Pretty much just volume. So a Harmony helps but it is not the complete solution. AR does not stock old model remotes.....not that old anyway.

Have not been able to find a real AR remote for my unit on the internet anywhere.
The Harmony remotes work on my AR LS-16 but only a few of the functions. You cannot change inputs with the Harmony. Pretty much just volume. So a Harmony helps but it is not the complete solution.
The Harmony 650 has the ability to "learn" commands from an existing remote. So if the OP can find anyone with a functioning remote that he could borrow - such as from a dealer - he'd be back in business.
@n80: I appreciate your suggestion but the odds of finding an ARC dealer within 500 miles are pretty low. And what are the odds that any dealer will have a remote for a unit this old?