My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!

Just now paid for it. Yep...a tube preamp. (deHavilland Ultraverve 3) Why did I buy this? Is it because I’m the guy with a backwards system...a tube amp and SS preamp?  That's totally backwards but it sounds fantastic.Then too, I’ve wanted a tube preamp for years but I bought everything else. So I’ll see how the tube preamp acts with my tube amp. If its as good as reports and reviews say, I’ll be very happy...... But i'm somewhat baffled that I have bought another component when my  system  sounds so good. This is really a weird sickness....or is it just madness, or old age?
@millercarbon Indeed all those things come into play. It is a celebration. But I've always been curious about man's actions....especially those which seem inconsistent.

To the rest:
Its good to be in such good company
     Steakster's MJ quote sums it up very well:

    "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying." 
Michael Jordan

     I'd just add that, when you're trying to find what you like, finding out what you don't like is useful, too.


@noble100  There;'s no question as to what I like. The question is where to find it at a cost I can afford.