Moderately priced audio

So I have been a audiophile for 40 years and in that time I have seen and owned a huge amount of equipment. Lately I have been reading Sterephile magazine and attended the last 2 years of Axpona. My question is what about the people that love the craft and get tremendous joy out of their audio systems that are in the $2-5K price range. Are they to be ignored? I know this hobby holds a lot of enthusiasm by people that have great sounding systems of new and vintage gear that they are proud of and enjoy listening to. While I appreciate the sound and the technology of the systems that cost more than a house I think there is a slice of enthusiast that are silent. Back in the 70s I worked at a stereo store that your average person came in and spent $600-$1000 and got a good sounding system. And we sold a lot of them. Seems a lot less interest today. Could it be the price of what you see in magazines and shows? I am curious to see if you people are out there that love the music and get great joy out of listening to your moderately priced audio equipment. Feel free to share what you have. I know you are out there. 
This thread helped give me some perspective. 

I felt like I have a fairly "modest" system, especially in comparison to some I've seen at friend's houses. 

In fact, I have 4 systems, and the one I am listening to as I read this thread is my second system that I use mainly for streaming from my PC and listening to headphones.  I started adding up the list price of the components in this system and it's somewhere around $12-$13K before cables, power cords, stands, vibration control, headphones, etc.  Needless to say, there are more expensive pieces in my main system. 

Having said that, for the most part, I've cobbled all of my systems together one piece at a time, often buying used gear (so this system probably cost me more in the realm of $5-$7K) and often "flipping" pieces I don't like or that don't work well with the rest of the system for close to what I paid for them.

I ask myself when I'll be happy.  I always seem to be close, but there's always "If I just add______ or change ______, I'll be good". 

I went through this phase with my photography hobby, and over the last 2 - 3 years I've hardly bought anything.  That may be in part due to most of my purchases being for this hobby, but I think it's more that I've reached the point where I'm happy with what I have for the most part.  There are always new camera bodies, lenses, and accessories coming out, but once I reached the point where I felt like I had all my bases covered and the gear wasn't holding me back, I felt like I could stand pat for the most part.  

That's where I hope to get to with this hobby.  I think I'm close, but I see my speakers changing in my main system at some point and there may be a better integrated in my future.  For now the most pressing issue is to see about getting some acoustic treatment done as I think that my room(s) are probably holding my enjoyment back more than anything else.

I sincerely hoped your attitude towards PPT and the possibility that their products do truly work may have changed somewhat.

I guess not.

You may not want to believe it but unless you think myself and many other members are on some bad sh#t, they do their intended job.
Nope, no idea how or why and could not care less tbh.

But I will leave that touchy subject alone as far you are concerned in the future.

You are all grown up and can make up your own mind.

After all it is your system .

Enjoy your music this fine day, I certainly am!

Jackson Browne playing right now.
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