Professional Turntable Setup ( Chicago area NW suburbs )

 I had Brian Walsh of over yesterday to set up my turntable using 
all the latest gadgets, Feickert  software and a host of other tools. Amazing results.
 If you take your vinyl playback seriously the cost absolutely justifies the results.
Do yourself the favor of knowing with absolute certainty that your rig is dialed in perfectly.
It is a joyous feeling knowing it is perfect. I was treated to the best vinyl playback last night
after his visit.
 You think you might have your table/cart dialed in, unless you have this done I can guarantee you do not.
 This service gets my highest recommendation, Really, don't delay, best money ever spent on my analog rig.
 Before this, I always wondered is it the best I can get my table to sound? I now know it wasn't. Now it is after Brian visited.

I bought my Kuzma TT from Brian at Axpona 2016. Setup was included. The table and all parameters of cartridge / tonearm adjustment have stayed rock solid to now. Brian also mounted my Lyra Kleos cartridge to my Triplanar tonearm in 2018.  Both setups play wonderfully. I will probably have Brian over to check both setups in the coming year.

His service is well worth the cost. He was also recommended to me by Ralph (atmasphere) So, just add me to the list of satisfied customers.
My first arm was the Graham 2.0. For those who don't know, the Graham is designed with a removable arm wand and comes with a Graham-designed machined aluminum and acrylic alignment jig. The acrylic part is scribed with marks for overhang and tracking angle. With arm wand off and the cartridge mounted and the jig attached and the acrylic part flipped over you can use a magnifying glass to align the stylus to incredible precision. I mean like human hair precision.

The Graham also being uni-pivot and with its side weights has all kinds of azimuth adjustment. 

VTF and VTA (SRA, I say to-may-to, you say to-mah-to) are fine-tunable by ear.

When I moved the same cartridge over to the completely different setup Origin Live Conqueror I heard all the same superbly palpable 3D imaging I'd been used to with the Graham, and then some. In other words, I have to believe it was set up at least as good, in spite of the lack of the jig and azimuth adjustability.

Not that this will probably ever matter, me being way outside the service area in Redmond, WA. And not like I doubt in any way shape or form the guys who have had this done believe they got their money's worth. But the one thing I asked about that hasn't been answered here or anywhere else I've seen is, how good was your table set up to begin with?

Are there any guys who like me totally know what they're doing, totally know their rig was set up really, really good to begin with, who then were astounded to hear it brought to a whole new level?

Because that I would pay to see. With pleasure.
Mornightstar.....why would you post that without knowing my abilities in this regard???   If you checked any of the tables that I worked on and found errors...then you can post.  I say again....I too often have seen setups that were wrong... many setup people don't have the time/patience/ or even knowhow to do a really excellent job. Sure some do, but not all that I've seen
I was trying to be helpful to those who maybe aren't experts in this area of turntable setup. Wasn't trying to call you out stringreen, was just proclaiming Brian's expertise. 
 Although I consider myself more than your average audio lover, at 65 years , North American distributor for Eastern Electric, now retired , Have had a abundance of systems over the years which has led to some knowledge in regards to tube audio, my turntable skills are abundantly lacking.
  I was just trying to tell others about the great service Brian at ttsetup provides.
Are there any guys who like me totally know what they’re doing, totally know their rig was set up really, really good to begin with, who then were astounded to hear it brought to a whole new level?
Millercarbon; you are one confident dude. I wish I could come over to ta maison to hear your system for myself and see if you truly walk the walk. Here is how I look at the issue fwiw; industry veterans largely agree that James Smith of "Get Better Sound" fame is capable of making a system sound better irrespective of adverse conditions and limitations-to an extent that few if any can match regardless of experience. Without exception, his clients who have paid to fly him in and set up their systems over two days time (we’re talking $3000-$5,000 IIRC) have said the results were remarkable and worth every penny. I have talked to James Smith and exchanged quite a few email with him. I was seriously considering the investment. I firmly believe that 98.5% of us with systems that cost above say $30,000 (mine is closer to 100K) are getting less than 80% of the potential sound quality due to compromised set-up. If the set-up is not 100% spot on, the deficit is huge. The old adage about "close only counting with horse shoes and hand grenades" applies. Despite all of his expertise, Jim Smith will not work on a client’s system based on vinyl playback. He uses digital sources only and then leaves it to his client to incorporate the vinyl playback into the system once he gets the system set-up complete. Why? Because he says vinyl injects too may additional variables into the system and he needs to use digital-his digital-as a reference point. First and foremost, any vinyl rig that is in the same room as the speakers is subject to too much acoustic vibration/disturbance for reliable reference, he says.
Why is all of this relevant here you might ask? Two reasons. Just because you get what you call "3D palpable sound" does not mean that you have achieved your vinyl rig’s true potential. Like I said, you may be damned close to perfect, but the difference between close and perfect is huge IMHO. Everything here is just my humble opinion btw. Second, the variables of vinyl playback that Jim Smith won’t touch with a ten foot pole is exactly why having an expert like Brian Walsh so valuable. Go to Brian Walsh’s website-if you wish-and under "Blog" you will see his link to an article Peter Qvortrup co-wrote. Hell, here is a link . Read the article and think about it-if you wish. How many of us have our turntables set up such that they accurately and pleasantly render all the variables of music as they are recorded on a well recorded record? Are you certain that yours does? How do you know? Have you set up thousands of vinyl rigs in expensive systems and reached a status of being acclaimed for your expertise? I AM NOT DOUBTING you! I am asking you.