Good starter amp recommendation

Was lurking for a while, decided to post.

I have an old system with Energy RC-30 speakers and currently using a Denon x3400h to drive them. The system is used mostly 80/20 for music/movies, and uses an Energy RC-LCR center for movies.

Would like to add a simple 2/3 channel amp for around $1000 to improve the sound and was looking at some more recommendations. Want it to be a good part of the system, but since the speakers are pretty basic, don't look for anything too fancy, but good enough to upgrade the speakers later on.

Looking around the forum, the following is my short list:
van Alstine SET 120 or Synergy 240/3
Odyssey Khartago (or used Stratos)
Anthem PVA or MCA (used is all I can afford, probably)
Parasound A23

Would like to hear any suggestions.
Thanks for advice, all. Will cross out Anthem and multi-channel amps, and will either try out Van Alstine, Odyssey or, if lucky, any of the other amps suggested (B&K, Adcom).

Definitely a challenge to audition with internet direct or used, so trying out and seeing if it works seems like a good idea, nothing beats listening at home anyway. If anything, can use them for a secondary office setup too.
Another amp to research would be a McCormack DNA 1. Don’t see one on this site but these guys sale on here a lot so hopefully safe to pass this on.

I wouldn’t knock out all multichannel amps without hearing a few first. Unless you are good with going only 2ch.  The center really does add a lot if you are into movies, but there is something to be said about the simplicity of 2ch.

I have a McIntosh MC7106. It’s a pretty old 6 channel amp which can be bridged into 3 more powerful channels.  Man this thing is impressive and powerful.  I just bridged two of the channels to drive my Martin Logan 11As for fun and was really impressed with the clarity.  Sure it’s not in the same as a $10K amp but that’s not what you are going for.  I can say though it is crisper sounding than my $8.5K MC452 amp with my ML speakers (which is good for movies).  These can be found in your budget especially on Craigslist, but just make sure to the history of the unit.

May I also recommend looking at integrated amplifiers if you are thinking 2ch.  The preamp is really important and mid-to-low end receivers aren’t in the same league as some dedicated 2ch preamps for music.  Integrated amps have best of both worlds.  Toss in home-theater bypass and you can add your Denon in to the mix without issue.
I concur with bigwave1. I have a Nuforce STA200 amp I'm using as a "transition" amp to try out some other components and speakers. The Nuforce is all about swiss precision--accuracy and dynamics before warmth or tone, and so, very useful for my purposes. It's a very good amp, much better than expected, and an amazing bargain at the current discounted price of $444. After about 100 hours of play a lovely, precise and deep bass started to appear.